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Michele Iodice was born in 1956 in Naples, where he lives and works, and has created numerous on-site works, installations and decorations. He experiences places as spaces that he can interpret and where he can propose significant transformations, as not as mere containers of things that have been created elsewhere.

He also created theatrical sets, installations for parties and design objects with great inventiveness and a deliberate alternation between the larger and smaller objects and between the conceptual and the decorative. He has a Renaissance impulse that emerges in a modern take.

"The authentic figure of Michele Iodice's work is in its belonging to modernity (in his reuse of materials) and, at the same time, in the active nostalgia for the past: energy arises from this inventiveness that restores aesthetic dignity to objects, furnishings, beauties, fragments, traces that come back to life in a permanent temporal fracture that is purified by folklore, cliché, apologetic naivete".

"Author of numerous interventions, installations and decorations."

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