Procida, Italian capital of culture 2022

Procida is the Italian Capital of Culture 2022 with a lineup of 150 events spanning 330 days and featuring artists from 45 countries.
This past April, the island of Procida began its year as the Italian Capital of Culture for 2022, with a lineup of 150 events spanning 330 days and featuring artists from 45 countries. The main themes are collaboration and sustainability.

The program, divided into five sections – Procida Inventa, Procida Ispira, Procida Impara, Procida Include, and Procida Innova – includes projects to enhance public spaces for the community of inhabitants, as well as educational workshops on topics like eco-sustainable development, the future of young people, and preserving and strengthening the island’s cultural identity. Concerts, dance performances, photography and art exhibitions are scheduled.
After the opening ceremony inspired by myths involving the sea, the ritual procession of the Good Friday mysteries took place through the streets of the island with allegorical panels, depicting episodes from the Old and New Testaments, the statues of Our Lady of Sorrows and Lantriceni’s Dead Christ, one of the island’s most valuable historical assets. The main objective of many of the projects was based on giving a modern twist to the island’s cultural heritage. Among the various artistic events is the 10th Procida Film Festival in July, featuring films by emerging producers from all over the world.
Totalling only four kilometers and with 11,000 inhabitants, Procida is a volcanic Tyrrhenian island located at the mouth of the Gulf of Naples, between Ischia (to the west) and Capo Miseno (to the east). Procida’s being chosen as the Italian Capital of Culture casts an international spotlight on Southern Italy and Mediterranean culture with its wealth of relics, artisan traditions, the warm colors of its buildings, and the light of the dazzling sun that reflects on cobalt blue waters.