Relationship between real and digital.
By Cristina Morozzi

It is the topic of the moment: philosophers, entrepreneurs, designers, ordinary people, young and old are questioning the relationship between real and digital. To untangle ourselves from the flood of information that is overwhelming us and from the posts that chase us, Designitaly suggests three books by the Korean philosopher, resident in Berlin, Byung Chul Han, who tackles the subject with limpid and concise writing, introducing themes, such as respect and modesty, that are essential in interpersonal relations:
“Come abbiamo smesso di vivere il reale” (Einaudi Stile Libero, Turin, 2022)
“Le nostre vite manipolate dalla rete” (Einaudi, Stile Libero Extra, Turin, 2023)
"Nello sciame, Visione del digitale" (Nottetempo, Milan, 2015)