Compasso d'Oro Award-Winning Designs

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Compasso d'Oro Award-Winning Designs

Explore exquisitely crafted products that have won this prestigious design award celebrating excellence in design

Meaning “Golden Compass” in Italian, the Compasso d’Oro award was established by Gio Ponti in 1954 and is the oldest industrial design recognition in the world and the highest industrial design award in Italy. Now, decades later, the Compasso d’Oro is decided by an international jury and is awarded every two years by the ADI (Association for Industrial Design) to projects and products that have demonstrated excellence in design.

The ADI collection includes over 2,300 projects and products and have won the Compasso d’Oro or an Honorable Mention over a number of categories, including Design for Living, Social Design, Design for Work, and Design for the Individual.

Enhance your space with a Compasso d’Oro design

Add a piece of history to your home or office when you purchase a Compasso d'Oro award-winning piece of design. Each of the impeccably designed, stylish and iconic products in this collection have been honored to receive this prestigious award.

The designers — some of whom have received the Compasso d’Oro Career Award — behind these products include Cini Boeri, Tobia Scarpa, Gianfranco Frattini, and many more. 

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