Achille Castiglioni

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Achille Castiglioni

Giving Life to Everyday Products through Visionary Designs

Achille Castiglioni, a brilliant Italian designer, is renowned for his lighting and furniture design. Although he was based in Milan, he gained significant recognition on an international scale. Castiglioni's approach to design was marked by his affinity for the integral design process. He had an inclination for repurposing existing materials and objects, incorporating them with new life and form.

Castiglioni's career was shaped by the collaborative influence of his older brothers, Livio Castiglioni and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni (Livio stopped working with the trio early on). Initially, their collaboration revolved around exhibition design and architectural ventures. As their partnership evolved, they embarked on more significant endeavors, including the design of various product series.

A famous lighting product created by the Castiglioni brothers was the Suspension Lamp SALISCENDI for Stilnovo. They also created revolutionary technological design products, such as the RADIOFONOGRAFO for BrionvegaAchille created furniture designs for the SANCARLO series (sofa, armchair) and then the brothers worked together on the BABELA chair for Tacchini. Moreover, for Zanotto, they created unique chairs/stools which are - STELLA, PRIMATE and MEZZADRO.

Achille Castiglioni’s works were recognized by plenty of awards from prestigious institutions, within Italy and abroad. A few to name would be the Compasso d’Oro (golden compass) and recognition from the Royal College of Art in London. There were also important museum exhibitions that took place, which honored Castiglioni, such as the Seoul Arts Centre, MoMa and Triennale di Milano.

Discover our selection of products by Achille Castiglioni, in which his creative approach to materials has left an impressive legacy of products.

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