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Giorgio Caporaso, architect and designer, deals with designing residential, tertiary and industrial buildings and interior design, always guided by his passion for a sustainable and circular economy.

In his projects, he experiments with green roofing systems and hanging gardens integrated into the composition of the building itself.

His is the conception, study, and design of an entire line of products and furnishing accessories (LESSMORE) made of recycled and recyclable cardboard. The sustainability of the furnishing does not stop with the material used but develops around the complete creation of the object. His furnishing accessories can be repaired, modified in finishes, and offer more functions to ensure durability and versatility.

His works have been exhibited internationally in important exhibitions, fairs, reviews, as well as used for "eco-friendly environments".

His works are exhibited in Milan, Varese, Venice, Rome, London, Ljubljana, Cologne, Moscow, Paris, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, and in prestigious venues such as the Milan Triennale, the Diocesan Museum of Milan, the International Architecture Biennale of Venice and the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro.

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