Richard Sapper

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Richard Sapper

Sapper’s Creations - An Art of Design Innovation

The late Richard Sapper, a remarkable designer, has dedicated his career to a passion of solving complex technical challenges. Originally from Germany, he began his career there and soon after established himself in Milan, Italy for the rest of his life. His portfolio ranges from ships and cars to computers and electronics, as well as furniture and kitchen appliances. He has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology and design innovation throughout his career.

For a long period of his career he collaborated closely with Marco Zanuso, together they embarked on business ventures, for instance they worked for Brionvega, one of the products they created was a Rechargeable Bluetooth Radio called RADIO.CUBO 500. Sapper also left a mark with the Tizio lamp for Artemide, a desk lamp that utilized a low-voltage halogen bulb. His furniture designs include a series of office chairs he designed for Knoll and many more for other brands. Sapper also displayed a keen interest in urban planning and design.

Sapper’s work is exhibited in permanent Museum collections (MoMa in New York, Victoria Albert in London, along with other Design Museums). He is also a member of some prestigious institutions. Moreover, he was honored with 2 lifetime achievement awards, the first one from the German Design Council and the second is the Compasso d'Oro. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany awarded him the Merit Cross of the Order of Merit.

Sapper's passion for teaching and mentoring left a lasting impact on the next generation of creative minds in the field of design. Explore the collection now!

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